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Greco-Roman Religions:  

Welcome: Greco-Roman Religions

One of the most important and often overlooked aspects of Biblical studies is the study of the Greco-Roman world in which 2nd Temple Judaism and Early Christianity found themselves. By better understanding the culture and the religions that surrounded the worlds in which Judaism and Christianity matured, one can better understand the historical projections that each religion took. 

Provided in this LibGuide are links to important online resources including: Databases, websites, journals, and Ebooks. These will provide students with key introductory and intermediate resources to help write papers, keep up-to-date with current academic studies, and the lastest monographs. 

As with all LibGuides, these are just some of the many resources available to students. Please use the search bar above to gain access to the full catalog of books and articles. 

Databases & Online Resources

Academic Journals


Guide Authorship and Copyright Permissions

Creative Commons License
Greco-Roman Religions LibGuide by Christopher Crawford is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.